Am I eligible?
Before you can apply to train as a specialist anaesthetist you must have completed two years of general hospital experience after graduating from medical school. This can include up to 12 months in anaesthesia or intensive care but the aim is to ensure a grounding in general medicine and in disciplines other than anaesthesia.
Apply to join the training program
We have a two-stage process for trainee application and registration that can occur sequentially or concurrently.
Step 1: Application
After gaining at least 52 weeks of clinical experience (PMET), you can become an applicant with the college. Becoming an applicant gives you access to a number of college resources, including the ANZCA website, library, college communications and many more. Applicants do not have access to TPS. If you have a training position starting next year, on or before the hospital employment year, you can become an applicant now and access to our resources before you start training.
Step 2: Register as a trainee
Once you have secured a training position, you can register with the college as a trainee. Please note, TPS access will commence on your first day of training.
Selection process and training rotations
We don't appoint trainees, this is done by the employer. To join the program you must secure a training position in an accredited rotation or training site. For information on your jurisdiction, see below:
In the ACT there is a single selection process for registrar positions on the Rotational Training scheme.
Positions are advertised on the ACT Health website in July each year for commencement in January of the following year. If positions become available mid-year, these positions will for advertised in May for commencement in August of the same year. Selection interviews are usually conducted in early September for short-listed candidates (or July for mid-year intake if applicable).
Applicants must have Australian citizenship or permanent residency status (this includes New Zealand citizens and permanent residents) or have an Australian working visa with current experience as a medical practitioner in Australia.
For more information on the ACT rotational training scheme, please contact us.
To apply for training positions in New South Wales (NSW), you must directly to the NSW Ministry of Health. The application form and recruitment dates for next year can be found on the NSW Ministry of Health website.
To find a training position in New Zealand, you should contact the Rotational Supervisor for the area in which you wish to train. There are 4 training schemes in New Zealand:
Northern Scheme
Midland Scheme
Central Scheme
Southern Scheme
The rotational supervisors will be able to advise when and which hospitals are recruiting.
In Queensland, there are four accredited rotations. These are overseen by the Queensland Anaesthetic Rotational Training Scheme (QARTS, pronounced ‘quartz’)
QARTS is a sponsored body providing advice to employing organisations, and administers the selection and placement of training registrars in anaesthesia throughout Queensland, in conjunction with Queensland Health and the Directors of Anaesthesia Group in accredited training hospitals.
Applications for QARTS are made via the QLD Health RMO Campaign.
For more information on application details, recruitment dates and eligibility, please see the QARTS page on the Queensland Health website.
The South Australia and Northern Territory Rotational Training Scheme (SANTRATS) is a comprehensive anaesthesia training program that offers rotation through a number of hospitals in South Australia and Northern Territory.
SANTRATS is overseen by the rotational supervisors, with assistance from the directors of anaesthesia and the SA/NT regional committee of ANZCA. Based on recommendations, the directors of departments within the scheme make the appointments and employ the trainees.
There are two intakes per annum: hospital employment year/new year (applications open late June/July) and mid year (applications open late March/April). These are advertised when available on the SA Health Careers website.
Applications for the SANTRATS 2025 mid year intake open 5 March 2025. Click here to find job number 896315 on the SA Health Careers website. Applications close 19 March 2025.
Click here for further more information regarding applying to SANTRATS.
The Tasmanian Anaesthetics Training Program (TATP) is a comprehensive anaesthetic training program that offers training at all three Tasmanian Health Service (THS) hospitals. The annual recruitment for TATP will be advertised on our job vacancies page and at the THS jobs website.
Some benefits of TATP include:
- Comprehensive weekly education program for all trainees including a fortnightly state-wide primary teaching session which all basic trainees attend via videoconference.
- Excellent recent examination results including Cecil Grey Prize winners in the fellowship examination in 2012 and 2016 and Renton Prize winners in the primary examination in 2014, 2015 and 2017.
- A growing culture of research and clinical audit.
- Identification of trainees with a rural interest and development of rural anaesthesia training.
In Victoria, there are four rotational training schemes: North Western, Eastern, Monash, and Victorian Regional Training Network (VRTN). Together these make up the Victorian Anaesthesia Training Scheme (VATS). The Victorian Anaesthesia Training Committee (VATC) is the body managing the centralised application process for the four rotational training programs, and is a forum for joint decision making. Each program, the Victorian Regional Committee and the Victorian Trainee Committee are represented at the VATC.
The VATC oversees a single point application process for entry into the rotational training programs. You can find information and dates here.
Applicants need to fill out relevant details, attach a CV, and nominate three referees. Each program conducts its own shortlisting and interviews.
Applicants shortlisted to be interviewed for more than one program need to complete an online preference form.
The Western Australian Anaesthetic Rotational Training Program is run on behalf of all of the WA anaesthesia training hospitals, for trainees in introductory training (IT), basic training (BT) and advanced training (AT) years one and two.
Hospital placements are allocated to enable completion of ANZCA training requirements in the core units and the specialised study units. The program provides support for trainees through the training program including exam preparation courses.
We have a single advertisement for all registrar positions on the program.
Positions are advertised in June each year on the MedJobsWA website. For shortlisted candidates, the interviews, simulations and presentations will be conducted from late August to early September.
Recognition of prior learning
If you have previous experience in anaesthesia or a related specialty, you may be able to accredit some of these experiences towards your training. Once you are a trainee, you can apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL). If your prior learning is accepted, you will be exempted from some of the components of the ANZCA Training Program. For possible training credits you may receive, please see the ANZCA Handbook for training
To apply for RPL, please complete and return the application form with accompanying documentation.
You should discuss RPL with your supervisor of training when applying and consider the following:
- The impact on your overall clinical experience as you train to become a specialist anaesthetist.
- The requirements to sit the primary examination.
- Extended training time limits for the relevant training period(s) and employment implications
* please note, fees apply

Find out more on our training and maintenance fees for the anaesthesia training program.

Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements at the click of a button.

Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.

In order to qualify as a specialist anaesthetist and become eligible for ANZCA fellowship, trainees need to successfully complete two exams. Each exam consists of a written and viva (oral and medical clinical) components.

This page provides help with the most common questions about our anaesthesia training program.

Anaesthesia is one of the most rewarding and fascinating fields of medicine you can specialise in as a medical graduate.