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About the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network

Our clinical trials seek definitive answers to inform best practice and improve patient care and safety. Explore who we are; our strategic priorities; our history and funding achievements; major findings from our published trials; and important research questions underway.

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Rural generalist anaesthesia exams

Rural Generalist Anaethesia trainees must successfully complete the multiple choice question examination (MCQs) and the RGA Standardised Structured Scenario-based Assessment (RGA-SSSA) during training.

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FPM placement supervisor agreement

Practice development stage supervisor agreement

Training Accreditation Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Training Accreditation Committee.

Reg 26 - Standards of professional practice

This regulation defines ANZCA’s standards of professional practice, outlining procedures for managing complaints, addressing notifications of conduct breaches, and the role of the Professional Practice Review Panel. It includes processes for adjudication, maintaining procedu...


Professional Affairs Executive Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Professional Affairs Executive Committee.

SIMG supervisor agreement

SIMG supervisor responsibilities and declaration by the SIMG supervisor.

Pain Medicine - SIMG supervisor agreement

Supervisors of Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMG) assist ANZCA with the assessment process for SIMGs seeking eligibility for admission to fellowship.

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