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Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this

Regulation 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum.

ANZCA Annual Report 2016 (full financials)

FPM by-law 20 - Procedures Endorsement Program

By-law 20 outlines the process for endorsing fellows in pain medicine procedures.

FPM by-law 18 - Pre-2015 training program

By-law 18 Pre-2015 training program

Application for fellowship


PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper

PS57(A)BP Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists Background Paper

ANZCA RAP year one report

ANZCA year one Reconciliation Action Plan achievements, challenges, and learnings report.

PG03(A)BP Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia BP

PG03(A)BP Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia Background Paper

Anaesthetics Provisional Fellow

Anaesthetics provisional fellow - Grampians Health

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