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Revised professionalism and performance guide now available

As part of our ongoing commitment to elevating professionalism in our workforce, we have completed a comprehensive review of the 2017 Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance: A Guide for Clinicians.

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Gender Equity Sub-committee

We strongly endorse gender equity because of its ethical, social, and economic benefits. The GESC reports its activities and initiatives to the Professional Affairs Executive Committee (PAEC).

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It's a wrap on the 2024 ASM

Enjoy some highlights from the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting in Brisbane.

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ANZCA Foundation update - June 2024

In this update: World first techniques lead to discoveries in CRPS study, foundation cocktail event, growing our named research awards, environment and sustainability, multi-centre clinical trials.

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2023 ANZCA Gender equity self-assessment quiz

Take the gender equity self assessment quiz

Gender equity

Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community. Find out what we're doing...

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ANZCA Gender equity self assessment quiz

TK1 - Gender equity survey toolkit - 10 steps

10 steps to administering an anaesthetic department gender equity survey.

2023 ANZCA Gender equity resources kit

Click here to view our 2023 gender equity resources kit.

2023 ANZCA gender equity resources kit

ANZCA and FPM Gender Equity Resource Kit for trainees, SIMGs and fellows.

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