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Persistent pelvic pain community information

This factsheet is a summary of the Faculty of Pain Medicine's position on persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis.

Trainee survey fact sheet

Trainee survey fact sheet


Bayside Health Service, Metro South Health

Essential Pain Management Strategy

Essential Pain Management EPM strategy

ANZCA Bulletin Spring 2020

Spring 2020 edition of our quarterly member publication the ANZCA Bulletin

ESWG Audit tool

TK4 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Participant information sheet (2 formats)

This participant information sheet is designed to assist with the ethics application and to be used as a guide. Please chose the most appropriate format depending on local ethics requirements.

Medical Board-Ahpra-Draft revised specialist registration standard-ANZCA response

College feedback on the Medical Board of Australia’s draft revised specialist registration standard.

ANZCA Advocacy Plan 2025-2027

ANZCA Advocacy Plan 2025-2027

PG13(PM)BP Guideline on return to practice for SPMPs - background paper 2023

Justification for the guideline to advise specialist pain medicine physicians whose absence from clinical pain medicine practice requires or will require a formal return to practice program.

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