ANZCA Gender equity survey toolkit 2024
This Gender equity survey toolkit contains six documents to assist you in performing a local gender equity survey.
ANZCA MCNZ Expedited Pathway Consultation lodged.
College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand’s proposed expedited pathway for registration in the vocational scope of practice.
PS12(PM) Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain
Statement from the Faculty of Pain Medicine on the use of ketamine with reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain.
PS42(A)BP Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia Background Paper
This document provides justification for the guidance on appropriate department staffing required for optimal training conditions, but is not meant to specify employment or other working conditions that are best determined in an industrial negotiation.
Bullying, discrimination, and harassment policy
The purpose of this policy is to describe the behaviour expected of all fellows, trainees, SIMGs and other volunteers acting on behalf of the college.
FPM by-law 20 - Procedures Endorsement Program
By-law 20 covers accreditation standards for Faculty of Pain Medicine training units, including multidisciplinary team requirements, supervisor qualifications, and compliance with ANZCA policies.
2022 ANZCA and FPM reaccreditation written submission
ANZCA and FPM are accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to deliver our training programs, SIMG assessment process and continuing professional development program. We submit yearly reports against the AMC and MCNZ accredita...
ANZCA Bulletin Summer 2021
This edition's cover feature package examines perioperative anaphylaxis and explores the agents that cause the most problems.
ANZCA statement on PPE
ANZCA statement on personal protection equipment (PPE) during the SARS-CoV-2
ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement
Archived- ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement