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National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education (companion document)

The National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education project was funded through an Australian Government grant and developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine.

FPM by-law 19 - Accreditation of units offering training in pain medicine

This by-law outlines the Faculty of Pain Medicine's accreditation standards for units offering pain medicine training, including requirements for multidisciplinary teams, compliance with ANZCA policies, and specific qualifications for supervisors.

Prescribing medicinal cannabis for chronic non-cancer-pain

This fact sheet is from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. It is a summary of our position on prescribing medicinal cannabis for people with chronic pain.


Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - summary form

Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - summary form


Psychologists Board consultation on scopes of practice

Faculty feedback on the New Zealand Psychologists Board consultation on a proposed framework for scopes of practice.

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