PG43(A)BP Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice Background Paper
To provide justification for the professional document on the importance of fatigue risk management in providing safe and effective perioperative care to patients, and as a resource for clinicians to understand fatigue.
Reg 44 - Training in rural generalist anaesthesia
Training in rural generalist anaesthesia leading to a qualification in RGA - Rural Generalist Anaesthesia
ANZCA Annual Report 2023
Read the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) annual report for 2023.
National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education (companion document)
The National Strategy for Health Practitioner Pain Management Education project was funded through an Australian Government grant and developed by the Faculty of Pain Medicine.
CPD activity guide
Find an overview of CPD activities across the three CPD categories and links to relevant guidelines and forms in the CPD activity guide.
PG68(A) Guideline surgical patient safety SARS-CoV-2
To provide frequently updated advice on safety concerns for surgery in patients with current or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, or who have recently received or soon plan to receive a SARSCoV-2 vaccination