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PG09(G)BP Guideline on procedural sedation Background Paper

PG09(G)BP Guideline on procedural sedation Background Paper


Anaphylaxis guideline Background Paper

Anaphylaxis guideline Background Paper

PG68(A) Guideline surgical patient safety SARS-CoV-2

Professional guideline 68(A) provides frequently updated advice on safety concerns for surgery in patients with current or previous SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 infection, or who have recently received or soon plan to receive a SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccination.

DHM Recognition of prior learning


Practice development stage proposal (placement details)

SRA facilitating a group discussion tutorial - guidelines

PG67(G)BP Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional proc

PG67(G)BP Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional procedures Background Paper


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