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Campaigning during elections

Candidates participating in council, board and committee elections must act honestly and with integrity when campaigning.

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Perioperative Anaphylaxis Management Guidelines

Management and diagnosis cards designed to be used as a crisis management package in the event of an acute perioperative anaphylaxis.

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CO2 insufflation in endoscopy reduces risk of gas embolism

Following the death of a person from suspected venous air embolism, ANZCA recommends CO2 is used for endoscopy insufflation and that anaesthetists maintain a high index of clinical suspicion of gas embolism.

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Recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

ANZCA is currently developing a comprehensive strategy to ensure that the college meets its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Aotearoa/New Zealand’s founding document.

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I practice without direct patient care

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements if you practice without direct patient care.

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College Ceremony

We invite all new fellows to celebrate their success with friends and family at the prestigious annual College Ceremony, when the ANZCA president and FPM dean welcome you into fellowship of your college. Here's what you need to know.

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Our directors of professional affairs

Our DPAs are all medically qualified and are fellows of the college/faculty. They are part-time, and most have other work as specialist anaesthetists or specialist pain medicine physicians. They work with many business units in ANZCA and provide advice that is best given by so...

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Our museum

The Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History was founded in 1935. It showcases over 170 years of advances in anaesthesia and pain medicine, and is the largest and most diverse collection of its kind in the world.

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Environmental Sustainability Network

The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.

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Health Equity Projects Fund

A funding stream that supports the college’s work to improve the health and wellbeing of our community

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