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Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas

This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine an...

ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Training

ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Training

ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine Training

ANZCA Handbook for Advanced Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine Training

ANZCA 2023 Workforce Snapshot Australia

Australian 2023 anaesthesia workforce snapshot

Practice development stage review

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

RGA Trainee Re-entry to practice

2024 FPM Spring Meeting program

Download the program for the FPM Spring Meeting in Auckland, from 18-20 October 2024.

SRA evaluation facilitating a group discussion tutorial

SRA evaluation critical appraisal of a topic

SRA evaluation teach a skill

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