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GESC action plan 2023-25

Gender Equity Sub-committee action plan 2023-25

TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions

You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.

TK5 - Gender equity survey toolkit - REDCap tips

This document is to assist you with your survey creation in REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture).

TK6 - ANZCA 2022 gender equity results summary

Gender equity survey toolkit ANZCA 2022 gender equity results summary

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Find out what we're doing to advocate for - and improve - inclusion and diversity in all areas of anaesthesia and pain medicine practice.

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ANZCA DEI background paper

Background paper to ANZCA's position statement on equity, diversity and inclusion.

Awards Advisory Panel

The Awards Advisory Panel (AAP) was established in 2022 to adjudicate the annual nominations for the college council awards, in addition to having oversight of the processes and procedures of all awards, to maintain equity, consistency, access and governance standards across t...

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ANZCA gender equity unconscious bias toolkit

2023 ANZCA gender equity unconscious bias toolkit.

ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report 2023-24

Download the latest ANZCA Workplace Gender Equality Report.

ANZCA Council Awards

The five ANZCA Council Awards recognise the most significant and extraordinary contributions (clinical and non-clinical) made by our fellows, trainees, and SIMGs.

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