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Practice audit (clinical support) guideline

Practice audit (clinical support) guideline

PG43(A)BP Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice Background Paper

To provide justification for the professional document on the importance of fatigue risk management in providing safe and effective perioperative care to patients, and as a resource for clinicians to understand fatigue.

PS41(G) Position statement on acute pain management

To advance the standards of care related to management of acute pain, and to develop a framework for provision of high-quality management of acute pain.

FPM Training Handbook

FPM Training Handbook

PG60(POM)BP Guideline on periop management of patients with hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine BP

This document provides background to ANZCAs recommendations on safety around chlorhexidine use.

Partnership and Sponsorship policy

This policy provides clarity and transparency around how the college engages with and manages opportunities relating to partnership and sponsorship.

ANZCA Menopause inquiry submission

College feedback on the Australian government Senate standing committee inquiry into issues relating to menopause and perimenopause

Part one program

SA/NT 2024 primary exam preparation long course (part one) program.

Reg 43 - ANZCA Awards

Describes the ANZCA awards that recognise exceptional contributions to anaesthesia, perioperative, and pain medicine. It details five awards - Robert Orton Medal, ANZCA Medal, ANZCA Citation, ANZCA Recognition, and ANZCA Star—covering eligibility, criteria, and types of servic...

FPM assessment checklist for procedural supervisors

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