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Pharmac Lidocaine Submission

College response to Pharmac proposal to fund lidocaine hydrochloride 10% solution to manage pain for people receiving palliative care.


mildura Health

ANZCA pharmaceutical sponsorship

PG43(A)BP Toolkit BP Appendices

PG43(A)BP Toolkit

Clinical practice type support document

The purpose of this document is to support fellows and other CPD participants completing the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program under the clinical practice type.

PG28(A)BP Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia Background Paper

PG28(A)BP Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia Background Paper

ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine

ANZCA Standards for Perioperative Medicine

PS59(A) Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care

PS59(A) Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care

PG67(G) Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional procedure

PG67(G) Guideline on end-of-life care for patients scheduled for surgery or interventional procedures


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