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Perioperative care approach fact sheet (English)

If you’re very old or very sick, a bit of extra care before and after your operation ensures you’re ready for surgery in the first place and have the best chance of a good recovery once the operation is over. We call this the perioperative care approach.

EPA 2 Provide obstetric analgesia - EPA review

EPA 2 Provide obstetric analgesia - EPA review


Psychologists Board consultation on scopes of practice

Faculty feedback on the New Zealand Psychologists Board consultation on a proposed framework for scopes of practice.

ANZCA submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry

College response to Australian government inquiry into the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

PG65(G)BP Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer Background Paper

PG65(G)BP Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer Background Paper

Safety of Anaesthesia report (2012-2014)

ALEPG final report 2021

ANZCA and FPM Accreditation and Learning Environment Project (ALEP) final report on accreditation of college training programs.



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