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2023 IWD booklet

International Women's Day 2023 compilation booklet


FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist

Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway

LOs mapped to IAAC MCQs

Learning outcomes mapped to the Initial Assessment of Anaesthetic Competence (IAAC) MCQs

SIMG application for PD approval

Application for PD approval AN V2021

Application for PD approval AN

FPM Letter TGA Paracetamol response

College feedback to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) report to change scheduling of modified release paracetamol to reduce risk of intentional harm

PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, SIMGs and trainees

PG49(G) Guideline on the health of specialists, specialist international medical graduates and trainees

Golden hours after surgery the key to new model of patient care

Golden hours after surgery the key to new model of patient care

Everymind Draft Framework 5 April 2019

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