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COVID-19 - information for trainees

We encourage all ANZCA trainees to refer to this list of potential impacts to education and training as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, first published on 24 March 2020.

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COVID-19 - overarching educational principles

We have developed a number of overarching educational principles that have guided our decision-making in relation to education and training during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 patient screening study

New Australian research on COVID-19 screening of hospital patients during the first wave of the pandemic found that the documentation of patient screening procedures before surgery could be improved.

ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement

Archived- ANZCA COVID-19 PPE Statement

COVID-19 airway management recognition of suitability

COVID-19 airway management recognition of suitability

COVID-19 - potential impacts to pain medicine training

Information regarding the impacts to pain medicine training during the COVID-19 pandemic

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COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

CPD ER COVID-19 recognition of suitability form 2023

CPD ER COVID-19 recognition of suitability form 2023

ANZCA submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry

College response to Australian government inquiry into the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Letter from Dr Vanessa Bevis to ATAGI re the Australian COVID-19 vaccination rollout 20210216

Letter from ANZCA President, Dr Vanessa Bevis to A/Prof Chris Blyth and Prof Allen Cheng Co-Chairs, Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) re the Australian COVID-19 vaccination rollout 20210217

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