Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia
'Preparing for your child’s anaesthesia' is the second in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.
FPM Professional Presentation WBF Rubric
Professional presentation marking rubric
Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this
This regulation stipulates requirements for the ANZCA vocational training program.
Applicants must comply with this regulation, the ANZCA Handbook for Training and other
relevant policies and requirements of ANZCA.
ANZCA Bulletin Winter 2021
The Winter 2021 edition of the ANZCA Bulletin includes features on the virtual world of the 2021 ANZCA ASM; working on the wild West Coast of Aotearoa New Zealand; and one fellow's account of recovery and rehabilitation from substance use disorder; as well as all of the latest...