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Oral histories

Our oral history project captures the memories of people, places and events as told by important individuals within the specialties of anaesthesia and pain medicine. These interviews provide unique insights into people’s involvement in key events in the history of the two prof...

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Careers at ANZCA

We're building a diverse and vibrant workforce and we want to attract the best people! Find out what a career with the college can offer you, and explore current job vacancies around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Reconciliation Action Plan

ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an important step in our reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples.

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Types of anaesthesia

There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the surgery.

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SA/NT Regional Education Subcommittee

SA/NT Regional Education Subcommittee discuss trainee matters.

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Our strategic relations

We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.

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FPM mentoring program

Our mentoring program aims to support pain medicine trainees and fellows during their training and/or early post-fellowship years. Here's everything you need to know about finding and becoming a mentor.

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Critical Incident Debriefing

Our Critical Incident Debriefing Toolkit provides a comprehensive, evidence-based resource on what are critical incidents, how to provide support and a hot debrief following a critical incident. It can be read in sections or as a whole.

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Training as an anaesthetist

Your guide to training as a specialist anaesthetist in Australia or New Zealand, including the criteria, application process and cost.

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ANZCA Web Terms of Use

These terms of use apply to all website, web and mobile applications provided by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

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