ANZCA is one of Australasia's largest specialist medical colleges, and the region's preeminent authority on anaesthesia, pain, and perioperative medicine.
We're solely responsible for training, examining and setting continuing professional development standards of anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians in Australia and New Zealand, as well as setting the standards of clinical practice in each country.
And we're driving the development of an effective, integrated and collaborative perioperative care model that is likely to change the way core healthcare services are delivered in Australia and New Zealand. So fostering positive, productive partnerships and respectful, responsive relations within our wider medical communities is critical.
At an international level, we're widely considered to be a global leader in anaesthesia education and training, and enjoy solid strategic relations with anaesthesia colleges and societies on every continent. Our Faculty of Pain Medicine was the first of its kind, and continues to lead the field internationally in that specialty. And our Clinical Trials Network is one of the largest and most successful multi-centre medical research collaborations in the world.
Explore some of the ways we're working with our communities of interest in Australia and New Zealand, and further afield.
In Australia and New Zealand
Through the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges and the New Zealand Council of Medical Colleges, we work closely with other specialist medical colleges on a range of inter-specialty issues and interests, including:
- Patient safety
- Standards of practice
- Education initiatives
- Doctors' health and wellbeing
- Gender equity
- Indigenous health
- Rural workforce
- Overseas aid
- Advocacy
We work in similar ways with the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) and the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA), the most significant example being the tripartite Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE) and the 17 special interest groups it's helped establish.
Our Faculty of Pain Medicine has significant historic ties to the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS); the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP); and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and its Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFRM), whose collaboration with ANZCA led to the creation of the world's first multidisciplinary pain medicine faculty.
The faculty also works closely with the Australian Pain Society, New Zealand Pain Society, Painaustralia and other consumer groups focused on supporting patients experiencing pain.
Our formal roles and responsibilities require us to work closely with a range of national and state government agencies, as well as peak bodies such as the Medical Board of Australia, the Medical Council of New Zealand, and the Australian Medical Council.
We're also highly active "on the ground", fostering effective, practical working relations with hundreds of accredited training sites, particularly through the supervisory role holders and heads of department.
International relations
ANZCA fellows, often in collaboration with our surgical colleagues, undertake significant outreach activities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including education and capacity development, and expert clinical service provision.
We work with the ASA, NZSA, and organisations such as Interplast, a part of a co-ordinated approach to supporting and advocating for global health initiatives. Our Global Development Committee is an important part of this.
As part of our role in advocacy, we recently submitted a joint paper to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to call for our government to increase support for our nearest neighbours to ensure that ongoing education and training would result in a sustainable health workforce.
There is a tremendous unmet need for effective pain management in both acute and chronic pain in most countries but especially in low and middle-income countries. One of our most wide-ranging initiatives is the Essential Pain Management program which provides a resource for education and practice of pain management in 53 countries to date.
In Asia we have close ties with Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia. Although training for specialist anaesthetists ended in 2018 in these regions, we are working to ensure that we still retain strong links and collaborations which reflect our common goals and interests. We continue to train specialist pain medicine physicians in the first two jurisdictions, with Hong Kong expanding as a training centre for pain.
We're one of three colleges in the Tri-nations Alliance. We meet regularly the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland to discuss joint interests and share educational and policy resources. And we're developing relationships with the anaesthesiology societies in China, Great Britain and Ireland, and Europe.
ANZCA is proud to be a member of the International Academy of Colleges of Anaesthesiology (IACA) and to join with the international colleges of the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong and Canada in this initiative.
Representation on other councils, committees, and boards
Many of our fellows represent the college on the boards, committees and working groups of external organisations.
Organisation | Committee Name | Representative | Reporting Committee |
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine | Conjoint Committee of Pre-hospital and Retrieval Medicine | Dr Geoffrey Healy Dr Dean Bunbury | EEMC |
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine | Rural and Remote Digital Innovation Group | Dr Brian Spain | PAEC |
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) | Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) | Dr Nayana Vootakuru | Safety and Quality Committee |
ANZCA and Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) | ANZCA and Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) Working Group | Dr Roger Traill Dr Judith Killen | PAEC |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | National Maternal Mortality Advisory Committee for the National Maternity Data Development Project | Prof Alicia Dennis | Safety and Quality Committee |
Australian Red Cross | Australian Red Cross Lifeblod Advisory Committee | Dr Lachlan Miles | Safety and Quality Committee |
Australian Society of Anaesthetists | Council of Australian Society of Anaesthetists | President | Council |
Australian Society of Anaesthetist | Professional Issues Advisory Committee (PIAC) | Dr Chris Cokis | Council |
Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (Australia) | Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (Australia) | President | Council |
College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand | Board of College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand | President | Council |
College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand | Education Committee | Dr Ian Graham | EEMC |
National Blood Authority (Australia) | CRG - Module 1: Critical Bleeding/Massive Transfusion | Dr Michael Parr | Safety and Quality Committee |
National Blood Authority (Australia) | Jurisdictional Blood Committee (JBC) Working Group | Dr Michael Parr Dr Kerry Gunn A/Prof Bernd Froessler Dr Daniel Faulke Dr Hamish Mace | Safety and Quality Committee |
Ministry of Health Disaster Response Preparedness (NZ) | Ministry of Health Disaster Response Preparedness (NZ) | Dr Maurice Lee | NZNC |
National Rural Health Alliance | Council | Dr Brian Spain | PAEC |
New Zealand Anaesthetic Technicians Society | New Zealand Anaesthetic Technicians Society | Dr Rachel Dempsey | NZNC |
New Zealand Resuscitation Council | New Zealand Resuscitation Council | Dr Malcolm Stuart | NZNC |
Patient Safety Movement Foundation | Post-operative delirium working group | Prof David A Scott | Safety and Quality Committee |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) Committee | Dr Mark Edwards | Safety and Quality Committee |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | Council of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | President | Council |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | National Trauma Committee | Dr Kenneth Harrison | Executive |
Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons | Rural Health Equity Steering Committee | A/Prof Deborah Wilson | PAEC |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | Australian and New Zealand Audit of Surgical Mortality | Dr Simon Jenkins | S&Q Committee |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | Trauma Care Verification Committee | Dr Adam Mahoney | S&Q Committee |
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists | Endometriosis Expert Working Group | Dr Karin Jones | FPM Board |
Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) | Specialist Rural Stakeholder Committee | A/Prof Deb Wilson Mr Lincoln Hoye | CPMC |
Australian Resuscitation Council | Australian Resuscitation Council | Dr Christopher Scarff Dr Michael Parr | Safety and Quality Committee |
Society for Paediatric Anaesthesia in New Zealand and Australia (SPANZA) | Executive Committee | Dr Maryan Turner | Safety and Quality Committee |
Standards Australia | IEC TC 62D Electromedical Equipment | Dr Christopher Thompson | Safety and Quality Committee |
Standards Australia | IT-014-02 (Health Concept Representation of Standards) | Dr Christopher Thompson | Safety and Quality Committee |
Standards Australia | HE-017 Anaesthetic and Respiratory Care Equipment | Dr Phoebe-Anne Maitland | Safety and Quality Committee |
Standards Australia | HE-028 (Quality Management and Corresponding General Aspects for Medical Devices) | Dr Phoebe-Anne Mainland | Safety and Quality Committee |
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) | Advisory Committee on Medical Devices | Prof Guy Ludbrook | Safety and Quality Committee |
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) | Ventilator Expert Working Group | Dr Michael McManus Dr Godfrey Wright Dr Christopher Thompson | Safety and Quality Committee |
ANZCA, ASA, NZSA Interplast and Lifebox Global | Lifebox Australia & NZ committee | Dr Michael Cooper | Overseas Aid Committee |

International Academy of Colleges of Anaesthesiologists
Learn moreOur people and structure
The ANZCA Council governs the college with the support of the FPM Board and various committees. Its roles include reviewing and approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and developing and monitoring key performance indicators and other benchmarks.
The FPM Board oversees the activities of the faculty in accordance with the FPM by-laws and the ANZCA strategic plan.
The Chapter of Perioperative Medicine Board reports to the ANZCA Council on developing and implementing an integrated perioperative care model and educational offerings for Australia and New Zealand, focusing on professional practice, clinical quality, and patient safety.
Our DPAs are all medically qualified and are fellows of the college/faculty. They are part-time, and most have other work as specialist anaesthetists or specialist pain medicine physicians.
Our specialist staff in Melbourne, Wellington, and regional offices around Australia provide the ANZCA Council, FPM Board, and their respective committees with administrative, technical and management support, together with professional advice.
Statistics on ANZCA and FPM fellows and trainees.
We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.
Corporate policies guide the activities of our staff, fellows, trainees and community representatives.
We're building a diverse and vibrant workforce and we want to attract the best people! Find out what a career with the college can offer you, and explore current job vacancies around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Everything you need to know about college elections, including dates, eligibility, and campaigning rules.