PG09(G)BP Guideline on procedural sedation Background Paper
To optimise patient care in the management of procedural sedation. To identify the competencies that sedationists should possess.
CPD activity guide
Find an overview of CPD activities across the three CPD categories and links to relevant guidelines and forms in the CPD activity guide.
Australasian Anaesthesia 2023
ANZCA publishes Australasian Anaesthesia (AKA the Blue Book) every two years. It covers a diverse range of topics of interest to anaesthetists and specialist pain medicine physicians.
ANZCA Bulletin Autumn 2023
In this edition: On the Turkish earthquake disaster relief frontline; ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan; Sugammadex: An update on perioperative anaphylaxis; and much more...
PG61(A) Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway emergency
This document summarises the available information and evidence relating to airway obstruction evolving to a 'Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (CICO)' situation
Anaesthesia for your child
'Anaesthesia for your child' is the first in a series of four ANZCA fact sheets about anaesthesia and children.
Preparing for your operation
Information for patients about preparing for surgery under anaesthesia.
EPA 4 Review - Perioperative pain relief
Provide effective perioperative pain relief for patients.
ANZCA RAP year one report
ANZCA year one Reconciliation Action Plan achievements, challenges, and learnings report.
Composition of NSW Health Professional Councils - Response from ANZCA
College feedback on the New South Wales Ministry of Health’s discussion paper on the composition of health professional councils.