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Preparing for your operation

Information for patients about preparing for surgery under anaesthesia.

Have you had axillary lymph nodes removed during breast surgery?

Have you had axillary lymph nodes removed during breast surgery? This fact sheet has important information about using the arm on the affected side used for medical procedures,

PG07(A) Appendix 3 - Guideline on smoking as related to the perioperative period

PG07(A) Appendix 3 - Guideline on smoking as related to the perioperative period 2023 (PILOT)

Submission re Andexanet

College feedback to the Council of Therapeutic Advisory Groups on a draft position statement for andexanet alfa

ROSI scholar role activities and the CCS

ANZCA scholar role activities and quality improvement activities to support the clinical care standard (CCS).

ROSI presentation slides

ROSI branded PowerPoint slide deck that introduces the importance of and reasons for commencing an opioid analgesic stewardship program.

TK1 - Gender equity survey toolkit - 10 steps

10 steps to administering an anaesthetic department gender equity survey.


What is an anaesthetist?

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