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Voluntary assisted dying

Information about ANZCA's position on legalised voluntary assisted dying for terminally ill people in Australia and New Zealand.

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Frequently asked questions about STP

We answered some common questions about the Specialist Training Program.

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Our fellows and trainees

Statistics on ANZCA and FPM fellows and trainees

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Environmental sustainability

The healthcare sector is highly interconnected with activities that emit pollution to air, water and soils, resulting in a significant ecological footprint and contribution to anthropogenic climate change.

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SIMG assessment process

Our SIMG assessment process evaluates the ability of a specialist to practise as an unsupervised specialist anaesthetist and/or pain medicine specialist at a standard comparable to that required of a fellow of ANZCA (FANZCA) or fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA).

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Annual workshop, events and webinars

Every year we run a strategic research workshop to collaborate on new research projects. We have an exciting program at the Annual Scientific Meeting as well as made recordings available of key educational sessions.

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Essential Pain Management program

Unrelieved pain is a major global healthcare problem and its importance is often unrecognised. Adequate pain management results in fewer medical complications, earlier hospital discharge and improved quality of life.

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions from CPD participants.

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Our strategic relations

We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.

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Everymind Draft Framework 5 April 2019

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