College feedback on the National Health and Climate Strategy anaesthetic gases consultation.
PP01(PM) Policy for the development of professional documents
Policy for development and review of professional documents for the Faculty of Pain Medicine.
TPS clinical placement review CAT form
This form should be used by trainees who are completing approved training overseas.
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook
ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine handbook
Te rehunga me te whakawhānau pēpi
The first in a series of three fact sheets in te Reo Māori designed to guide conversations between patients and healthcare professionals, and to provide reassurance and advice to pregnant women about the safety of anaesthesia before, during, and after having a baby.
Te rehunga wero tuarā
The third in a set of three fact sheets in te Reo Māori designed to guide conversations between patients and healthcare professionals, and to provide reassurance and advice to pregnant women about the safety of anaesthesia before, during, and after having a baby.
ANZCA NZ submission on physician associates
College feedback on the Ministry of Health’s proposal to regulate physician associates in New Zealand under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act.
Pharmac Opioid Submission FV
College feedback on the Pharmac consultation to safe access to opioids in New Zealand.
Anaesthetics Provisional Fellow
Anaesthetics provisional fellow - Grampians Health
Information and Communications Technology Governance Committee terms of reference
Terms of reference for the Information and Communications Technology Governance Committee.