DHM accredited training sites

Training time towards the ANZCA advanced diving and hyperbaric medicine training program must be completed at a suitable diving and hyperbaric medicine (DHM) facility.

The accreditation process of ANZCA DHM facilities is overseen by the DHM Sub-Committee, using a five-year accreditation cycle. The DHM Sub-Committee assesses the facility's ability to provide training and supervision to the required standard.

DHM facilities are accredited for a maximum of either 22 or 44 weeks full-time equivalent of training time. Accreditation applies to the facility and does not specify the number of trainees that can work in the facility, unless this is limited by supervisory capacity

The standards for ANZCA-accreditation are detailed in the Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Accreditation.

Applying for accreditation

DHM facilities wishing to apply for accreditation should obtain and complete the accreditation data form. The completed form should be submitted to [email protected].

There are two application periods per annum with closing dates in February and October. Applications will be reviewed at the following DHM Sub-Committee meeting.

Find an ANZCA-accredited training site

Training site

Supervisor of training


Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Prince Of Wales Hospital

Dr Glen Hawkins

Dr Jan Lehm

Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Royal Hobart Hospital

Dr Juan Ascencio-Lane,
Dr Lizzie Elliott

Clinical Assoc Prof David Cooper

Diving and Hyperbaric Unit
The Alfred Hospital

Dr Ian Millar

Dr Bridget Devaney

Hyperbaric Medicine Unit
Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group

Dr Ian Gawthrope

Dr Neil Banham

Hyperbaric Medicine Service
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Dr Robert Webb

Dr Kenneth Thistlethwaite
Dr Robert Webb

Christchurch Hyberbaric Medicine Unit
Christchurch Hospital

Dr Roxanna Sadri

Dr Greg van der Hulst

Each unit must have at least one supervisor of training. Use this form to nominate new supervisors.

Last updated 11:38 13.12.2023