Safety alerts

We notify members of important safety, quality, and supply issues affecting the medicines and medical devices they use. This information generally comes via the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia or MedSafe in New Zealand.

We also share information from other trusted sources, including suppliers, manufacturers, and overseas authorities, as well as reports from client hospitals and the findings of coronial investigations. Alerts are overseen by our Safety and Quality Committee.

Alerts may also explain the outcome of an investigation including any recommended actions for consumers and health professionals or a change to the availability of a product. Many alerts only involve a small number of cases, or affect a specific jurisdiction. Our role is to highlight the relevant alerts but it is the responsibility of hospitals to follow up with the manufacturer.

If you're aware of a safety issue in your hospital or are interested in safety and quality, please contact us.

Current safety alerts

Last updated 10:05 23.12.2024