Specialist international medical graduates
If you trained as a specialist anaesthetist or specialist pain medicine physician overseas, we offer a number of pathways for you to practice in Australia or New Zealand.
Use the self assessment tool to identify which option(s) may be available to you.
Self assessment tool
We strongly recommend that you contact the Department of Home Affairs (in Australia) or the Department of Immigration (in New Zealand) before applying for any of our SIMG streams.
SIMG assessment process
Our SIMG assessment process evaluates the ability of a specialist to practise as an unsupervised specialist anaesthetist and/or pain medicine specialist at a standard comparable to that required of a fellow of ANZCA (FANZCA) or fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA).
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Medical Board of Australia expedited specialist pathway
The MBA has introduced a new expedited specialist pathway for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) to be eligible to apply for the specialist registration, SIMGs must hold recognised overseas specialist qualifications on the Expedited Specialist pathway accepted qualifications list.
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Short-term training (STT) pathway
Applicants who wish to enter a short-term specialist anaesthetic training or pain training (STT) position in Australia must be assessed for the purpose of medical registration. This pathway does not lead to fellowship.
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SIMG supervisor toolkit
As an SIMG supervisor, you play a vital role in the training, assessment, and welfare of your SIMG and should have a broad understanding of the SIMG program.
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Area of Need (AoN)
The Area of Need (AoN) process applies to Australia only. The declaration that a specified position is an AoN is made by the relevant government jurisdiction not ANZCA.
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