2024 fellowship survey open

04 October 2024

The 2024 ANZCA and FPM fellowship survey is now open and will close on Friday 18 October.

All ANZCA and FPM fellows have been emailed a unique survey link, so please ensure you check your emails, and junk mail/spam folder. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete, with opportunities to provide valuable insights and detailed feedback using the free text options. 

The fellowship survey is run every three years, with the previous 2021 survey informing the 2023-2025 ANZCA strategic plan. The aim of the fellowship survey is to gauge the thoughts and opinions of the fellowship on the priorities of the college. This aids the college in meeting the needs and expectations of its fellows, and to assist with the prioritisation of strategic and operational planning. The results of the 2024 survey will support the future development of the next strategic plan in 2025.

As in previous years, the fellowship survey will be managed by an independent professional agency, KPMG, who will facilitate the distribution of the online survey, send reminders and provide a detailed analysis back to the college. To support longevity analysis, the 2024 survey replicates the 2021 questions following its well-received redesign.

Importantly, all information from the fellowship survey remains confidential with high-level themes and de-identified data reported back to the college.

What to expect?

Fellows will receive an email containing a survey link unique to them. The survey may be completed in one or multiple sessions on a laptop, tablet or smartphone. Please check your email folders/junk mail and be aware that in some instances hospital firewalls may block an external email from KPMG. We urge you to take a minute to adjust your email settings so that this information is not blocked. 

An easy way to check your contact details is via the ANZCA portal. If you do not receive an email with your unique survey link by late September, or if you have any trouble accessing the survey, please contact the KPMG technical team.

What happens after I’ve had my say?

We are pleased to have a highly engaged membership base, with participation in past fellowship surveys statistically high (response rate for 2017 of 34 per cent and 2021 of 33 per cent). Once the survey has closed in October, statistical analysis will be performed by KPMG on the aggregate data, and smaller cohorts of interest where base size allows this, to reveal the areas that fellows place the most importance upon regarding the role of the college in the future.

Free-text comments from fellows will be analysed to identify the major themes from the verbatim comments and capture additional valuable detail in relation to the primary rating questions. The results of the 2024 fellowship survey will be shared via college publications in early 2025.

KPMG uses secure, encrypted systems to manage fellows’ details with this information only to be used for the purpose of distributing the online survey links. At the conclusion of the survey, the lists will be permanently removed from KPMG systems and all personally identifiable information will be removed from the survey database. Survey data is deidentified and stored on onshore servers hosted by Rackspace in Sydney, Australia.

As a Company Partner of The Research Society, Australia’s peak body for market research professionals, KPMG is bound by the Code of Professional Behaviour which is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). KPMG is also ISO20252 Market, Opinion & Social Research accredited, providing confidence that data collection methodologies, research management, and data handling adhere to high standards of participant privacy.

Have your say!

We encourage all fellows to proactively respond when you receive your unique survey link.

It is only by your participation in the fellowship survey that the strategic directions of the college in the coming years will satisfy and meet your expectations.

Last updated 11:05 11.10.2024