A/Prof Deborah Wilson, FANZCA (Tas)

A/Prof Deborah Wilson, FANZCA (Tas)

ANZCA Councillor and Honorary Treasurer 

MBBS 1984, FANZCA 1998, ARACMA 2015, GAICD 2017, GradCert Teaching and Learning for Health Practitioners 2014

Nominated by: Dr Lia Freestone (Tas) and Dr Vanessa Beavis (NZ) (2022)


Associate Professor Deborah Wilson is a consultant anaesthetist providing anaesthesia services in both public and private practice in North West Tasmania.

She is the co-director of the anaesthetic department at the North West Regional Hospital, Tasmania. Debbie  trained in Western Australia and completed a fellowship in obstetric anaesthesia in Vancouver, Canada before commencing as a visiting medical officer anaesthetist in North West Tasmania in 1999.

Outside anaesthesia her interests include medical workforce maldistribution; rural workforce - training, recruitment and retention; health governance and medical education. Debbie has worked for the University of Tasmania for more than 10 years and was the co-director of the Rural Clinical School for four years. She is now the director of the University of Tasmania's, Rural and Regional Training Hub. The role of the hub is to increase specialist training pathways and positions in rural areas.

Current and previous service on ANZCA committees and other roles

  • ANZCA Honorary Treasurer - 2022-2023
  • Chair Investment Subcommittee - 2022 - 2023
  • ANZCA College Councilor - 2019 to date.
  • Chair, Tripartite Committee for Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia / Member of DRGA Curriculum Development Working Group - 2019 to date.
  • ANZCA Training and Accreditation Committee member and TAC Site Inspector - 2019 to date.
  • ANZCA Finance, Audit and Risk Subcommittee Member - 2021 to date.
  • ANZCA Councilor in Residence - Emerging Leaders Conference - 2021.
  • ANZCA SOT - 2009-2013.
  • ANZCA Curriculum Review Working Committee - 2013-2014.

Past and/or current appointments in other relevant professional organisations

  • Director Rural and Regional Training Hub, University of Tasmania - 2017-2022.
  • Co-Director Rural Clinical School, University of Tasmania - 2012-2017.
  • Governing Council Member, Tasmanian Health Service - 2015- 2018.
  • Chair, THS Governing Council Safety and Quality Sub-Committee - 2015-2018.
  • Governing Council Member, Tasmanian Health Organization, North West - 2012-2015.
  • Audit and Risk Committee Member THO, NW - 2012-2015.

Last updated 16:24 16.09.2024