Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment

If you require immediate support, please call Converge International on 1300 687 327 in Australia or 0800 666 367 in New Zealand, and identify yourself as an ANZCA fellow, trainee or SIMG.

ANZCA is committed to equality of opportunity and ensuring that the working and training environment is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.

The college considers bullying, discrimination and harassment to be unacceptable behaviours that will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

In 2015, we established a Bullying, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (BDSH) Working Group chaired by past president, Professor David A Scott. A number of recommendations were made by the group in their 2017 report. Since then, we’ve been working hard on delivering tangible solutions, to ensure a safe and professional environment for all. Here are just some of the actions we’re already delivering:

24/7 support when you need it

ANZCA's Doctors’ Support Program is a confidential and independent counselling and coaching service which is available to all fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) and immediate family members via the helpline, online live chat, face to face meetings or the app.

This service is offered confidentially and at no charge, to support our members for a variety of work-related and personal problems that may be affecting work or home life. The helpline is available 24/7.

How to make a complaint or raise a concern

Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment is a workplace issue, as defined in legislation. In the event that a fellow, trainee, SIMG or other person associated with the college suffers bullying, discrimination or harassment in the workplace, the employer has primary responsibility. However, the issue may be referred to the college where training or the gaining of specialist qualifications are affected.

The college’s Notifications and management of complaints and concerns policy outlines our approach to resolving complains and concerns.

If you have experienced or observed inappropriate behaviour by a college representative please bring it to our attention by completing this confidential online form. All notifications received are treated as confidential unless we request your permission to the contrary.

If you would like to discuss your concerns before submitting the notification form, please contact the ANZCA CEO on +61 3 9510 6299 or via email.

Supporting Anaesthetists' Professionalism and Performance

This guide for clinicians has been developed to assist fellows and trainees by providing them with a framework for understanding professionalism and performance as it applies to the practice of anaesthesia.

Expanding resources for trainees

The Operating with Respect online module, which was generously shared by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons was launched at the beginning of December 2017, and is available on Networks for trainees, fellows and SIMGs. Participants in the ANZCA and FPM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program, are eligible to claim CPD credits upon completion of this module.

Welfare Advocates

Welfare Advocates are recommended for all ANZCA and FPM accredited hospitals. Welfare Advocates must have knowledge and interest in welfare and have the ability to perform a guidance role and offer support to those in need in a confidential manner. Their role is to offer ‘Welfare First Aid’ in the first instance and should then refer trainees or colleagues to relevant professional personnel for further advice or assistance if required. If you would like to register as a Welfare Advocate please contact membership services.

Last updated 15:40 4.02.2025