Dr Marlena Klaic

Dr Marlena Klaic


University of Melbourne

Marlena Klaic, PhD, is a senior research fellow in implementation science at the University of Melbourne and health services researcher at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital, Barwon Health and Ruijin Hospital in China. She was one of the first clinicians appointed to lead research translation in a Victorian public health setting with the role focusing on methods to support the translation of evidence into sustainable practice change. Marlena is CI on currently funded projects to the value of $6 million, contributing expertise on methods related to implementation research and outcomes in fields such as brain injury rehabilitation, exercise after a cancer diagnosis and diabetes management with indigenous Australians. She chairs the Melbourne Implementation Research Group which includes 17 researchers from a broad range of disciplines with varying levels of expertise who are leading more than 60 implementation research projects across multiple diagnostic groups and a range of health settings.

Last updated 16:40 27.06.2024