Expedited specialist pathway update

19 December 2024

The college today received an update from the Medical Board of Australia on the expedited specialist pathway.

The Medical Board of Australia (‘the Medical Board’) has confirmed the approved qualifications in anaesthesia to be added to the Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list from 23 December 2024:

Ireland: Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI), together with a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST), awarded under any CAI curriculum from July 2012 to date following satisfactory completion of a Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme (SAT) in Ireland.

United Kingdom: Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and a Certificate of Completion of Training issued by the General Medical Council or the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, awarded under any RCoA curriculum from August 2007 to date following satisfactory completion of a General Medical Council or Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board approved specialist training program in the United Kingdom.

We are pleased the Medical Board has agreed with the college’s recommendation that applicants for specialist registration in anaesthesia under the expedited pathway will also be required to successfully complete an Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crisis (EMAC) course.

In response we have developed a pathway to ANZCA fellowship that will ensure those on the expedited specialist pathway will have the ability to still gain fellowship.

More information and how to apply can be found on our website

Last updated 15:56 19.12.2024