Dr Doug Hacking

Dr Doug Hacking


Staff anaesthetist - Austin Hospital, Melbourne

Doug completed his undergraduate medical degree at Oxford University. He started his career as a general paediatrician, neonatologist (Intensive Care for Babies) and once qualified in these disciplines returned to Oxford University where he completed a PhD on the Molecular Genetics of Lung Inflammation. After working as a consultant neonatologist and clinical academic for some years he extended his clinical capabilities in critical care medicine by moving into anaesthetics. He has completed a combined anaesthetic and paediatric intensive care fellowship at the Royal Children's Hospital and augmented his skills in adult anaesthesia with a Fellowship at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

He is currently a full time ataff anaesthetist at the Austin Hospital with specific interests in cancer anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthesia and bariatric anaesthesia.

Last updated 09:46 17.06.2024