2024 Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting


Save the date for the 13th Australasian Symposium of the Perioperative Medicine SIG in collaboration with Summit III and the PeriOperative Quality Initiative (POQI), ‘Improve the quality, enhance the value, protect the future’, 22-24 November 2024, Sofitel Melbourne, Australia.  

This meeting is held in partnership with Summit III and preceded by a meeting of the POQI. On day one and three, we address how perioperative medicine adds quality and enhances the value of perioperative care in our collaborative plenary sessions with Summit III and POQI. We also cast an eye towards a future more sustainable perioperative care model to safeguard our strained healthcare system. On day two, we offer a full day of concurrent sessions with content to suit everyone. These include comprehensive perioperative medicine updates, Summit III sessions and a stream dedicated to in-depth perioperative medicine topics. There will also be the opportunity to attend an advanced recovery room care (ARRC) workshop. The structure allows attendees to tailor this day to their interests. 

For those unfamiliar with the Summit series, it was created to highlight the evolving pandemic of postoperative harm. The goal was to trigger a shift in perioperative care to reduce morbidity and mortality, shorten hospital stay and ultimately save valuable health dollars. The scope and breadth of focus has expanded from postoperative complications to perioperative care, recognising that issues, to be addressed, begin from the contemplation of surgery to optimal recovery, as laid out in ANZCA’s Perioperative Care Framework on page 7. It aims to bring stakeholders together from every corner of perioperative care delivery (e.g. healthcare professionals, their representative bodies, government agencies, private and public healthcare providers, payers, and consumers) to help find real-world actionable solutions to the unfolding crisis facing the delivery of safe, high quality perioperative care.

Thus far, two Summits have been held. Summit I produced a draft set of principles to guide a high-value systems approach and to identify priority areas. Summit II re-visited the challenges and principles generated, exchanged views on high priority solutions, and explored how these might best be progressed in a coordinated manner. 

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne at our collaborative meeting between Summit III and the Perioperative Medicine Special Interest Group, with substantial global representation via the economic and value initiative of POQI.  

We will soon release our exceptional line up of international and national speakers. 

Book in early so you can join us for a fabulous evening of food and fun at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on Friday 22 November 2024. 

The program and registration will be available in mid-July. Stay tuned for more information. 

Best wishes, 
Your co-convenors 

Professor Guy Ludbrook (Summit series) 
Dr Nicola Broadbent (PeriSIG) 
Dr Jill Van Acker (PeriSIG)

Location and venue

The Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting will be held at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, Victoria.

25 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9653 0000

Sustainability at SIG events

As part of the ACE's commitment to environmental sustainability we have eliminated printed collateral and single use plastic. We no longer provide satchels, print programs or function tickets for the special interest groups meetings.
The Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting utilises digital signage and where possible single use signage has been eliminated. If printed signage is required we ensure it is printed on material that is or can be recycled.  

Since 2016, items we have eliminated from events include satchels, bottled water, and paper based tickets. Your support of these environmental changes has helped drive the success and strengthened the positive impact on our meeting footprint. We know working together, we will continue to do better.
Where possible we have eliminated plastic name badges and when these are required we source materials that have been treated with EcoPure®, an organic additive designed to enhance the speed of plastic decomposition in landfills. Delegates are encouraged to bring their own Keep Cups and use the water stations for re-filling water bottles.

ACE upholds a commitment to host events at venues that have a publicly available sustainability statement. We’ve worked with venues who have their organic waste converted to fertiliser and green electricity and have unused food given to people in need and diverting food waste from landfill.
We continue to strive towards fostering a more sustainable future for our members and the community.

Code of conduct

ACE is committed to a respectful and safe environment for all interactions inclusive of its conferences and meetings.

The Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting is governed by all relevant ANZCA policies in relation to professional behaviour and conduct, including in relation to bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment.

The Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. Sexual language and imagery or the use of personal photos without permission is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media.

Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.

Respectful behaviour is expected at all times from all participants. Appropriate behaviour respects difference and diversity, respects privacy, and handles disagreement politely. Honesty and fair dealing is expected.

Obtaining consent to quote others, use presentations or take photographs is appropriate and shows the respect expected of participants of the Perioperative Medicine SIG meeting.

If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to an events person or the meeting convenor.

Alternatively you can make a report via email here. All personal details will remain confidential, issues raised will be investigated and necessary action taken to prevent a recurrence.

Social media

Join the conversation on X (formerly Twitter) by using #PeriSIG24.

Contact us

For further information, please contact us.

  • Date

    22 November - 24 November

  • Time


  • Location

    Melbourne Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

Last updated 12:29 25.06.2024