Dr Justine Wright

Dr Justine Wright


QA Chair and specialist anaesthetist, Te Toka Tumai/Auckland City Hospital

Justine is QA Chair and specialist anaesthetist in the department of anaesthesia and perioperative medicine and Women's Health, Te Toka Tumai/Auckland City Hospital .

Justine is one of the Women's Health pain team and has had a long-held interest in patient centred care and quality improvement, initially pursuing projects in Patient Blood Management and transfusion sparing strategies. She was inspired to join Cath on her journey to undertake communication skills training and becoming part of the multidisciplinary network of Australian and NZ Vitaltalk trained facilitators and is co-convenor and facilitator of the annual Perioperative Advanced Communication Skills workshop in Auckland.

In her spare time she enjoys running and yoga and is still hoping to "crack the code" of effective communication with teenagers!

Last updated 14:12 14.10.2024