Monthly media digest: June/July 2024

23 July 2024

A digest of college news coverage for June/July 2024

Anaesthetists speak about using kombucha byproduct for CICO training

Fellows Dr Jeremy Young and Dr Raj Palepu spoke to New Zealand newspaper The Post and television’s Three News about their use of the kombucha byproduct SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria in yeast) in CICO training. They also appeared on the Radio New Zealand website.

FPM Dean interviewed on ABC Radio about National Pain Week

Dr Dilip Kapur was a guest on ABC Radio Brisbane's Afternoons program on 22 July to discuss Chronic Pain Australia's national pain survey findings and National Pain Week.

The 10 minute live segment with host Kat Feeney explored chronic pain treatments and the multi disciplinary approach to pain treatment. The segment starts at 17:30 in the link.

Last updated 14:23 25.07.2024