Set the standard for paediatric pain

21 June 2024

We're seeking expressions of interest from fellows to contribute to the development of a position statement on the provision of pain medicine care to children and adolescents.

The faculty has long advocated for the development of specialised paediatric services and, as part of a larger effort to raise the profile of this area, the board has directed that a position statement be developed to articulate the scope of the challenges and recommended steps that we need to progress over the coming years.
We will include a mix of paediatric and non-paediatric pain physicians to ensure broad range of expertise and consensus.
The development of documents is undertaken by a document development group (DDG) and is guided by our Policy for the development and review of professional documents. DDG members collaborate via email and zoom at times that fit their schedules. 
To find out more or express an interest in this opportunity, please contact Penny McMorran at [email protected]

Last updated 14:32 24.06.2024