Anaesthesia trainee toolkit

Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements here.

Training program documents

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum
2.61 MB

ANZCA Anaesthesia Training Program Curriculum

Education and training resources
Anaesthesia training handbook
1.56 MB

Anaesthesia training handbook

Education and training resources
Reg 37 - Training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities
483.23 KB

ANZCA Regulation 37 concerns training in anaesthesia leading to FANZCA, and accreditation of facilities to deliver this curriculum

ANZCA regulation
ANZCA Training Program Curriculum Appendix 2 (Study guide for the primary exam)
410.87 KB

Learning outcomes mapped to the primary examination

Education and training resources

Training forms and applications

Below is a list of all forms relevant to trainees and the training program.

All applications must be made in advance. Trainees requesting changes to training or exceptions to regulation 37 have up to four weeks to submit their applications.

ATP application form
419.53 KB

This form should be completed by medical practitioners in Australia and New Zealand who are wanting to become an applicant of the college.

ATP registration form
780.98 KB

This form should be completed by doctors in Australia and New Zealand who have secured a registered training position and are wishing to register as a trainee with ANZCA.

DPA assessor request form
231.39 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to make a request to the Director of Professional Affairs (assessor).

DPA Request - Interrupted training application form
259.83 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to interrupt their training for 13 weeks or more.

DPA Request - Part-time training application form
357.96 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to complete part-time training including PFT positions.

DPA Request - Recognition of prior learning
712.09 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

DPA Request - Training approval request form (OCT)
405.99 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to train in a non-ANZCA accredited training site or in an anesthesia related specialty.

PFT Individualised position application form
343.5 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to apply for a provisional fellowship study plan in an ANZCA accredited site not predefined.

PFT site application reapproval
253.89 KB

This application form should be used by the training sites wishing to apply for re-approval of predefined study plans.

PFT site application
339.04 KB

This application form should be used by ANZCA accredited training sites to apply for prospective approval of a predefined provisional fellowship study plan.

PFT Individualised position (non-accredited site) application form
366.02 KB

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to apply for provisional fellowship study plans in an overseas or non-ANZCA accredited training site.

Scholar role activities – Audit evaluation
410.52 KB

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor to evaluate the audit written report completed by the trainee.

Scholar role activities – Audit guidelines
333.9 KB

This document provides general guidelines for the audit evaluation process.

Scholar role activities - Facilitating a group discussion/tutorial evaluation
271.98 KB

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the facilitation of a group discussion/tutorial undertaken by the trainee.

Scholar role activities - Facilitating a group discussion/tutorial guidelines
341.22 KB

SRA facilitating a group discussion tutorial - guidelines

Scholar role activities - Critical appraisal of a topic evaluation
366.36 KB

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a topic undertaken by the trainee.

Scholar role activities – Critical appraisal of a paper guidelines
266.54 KB

SRA critical appraisal of a paper - guidelines

Scholar role activities - Critical appraisal of a paper evaluation
243.13 KB

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the critical appraisal of a paper undertaken by the trainee.

Scholar role activities - Critical appraisal of a topic guidelines
329.67 KB

SRA critical appraisal of a topic - guidelines

Scholar role activities – Teach a skill evaluation
256.45 KB

This evaluation form should be used by the departmental scholar role tutor or nominee to evaluate the teach a skill activity completed by the trainee.

Scholar role activities – Teach a skill guidelines
345.38 KB

SRA teach a skill - guidelines

Scholar role activities – Exemption - Critical appraisal of a topic
351.12 KB

Scholar Role Sub-committee will no longer accept exemptions for the Critical Appraisal of a Paper. The exemption application form has been updated only to include exemptions for Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT)

Scholar role activities – Exemption - Teach a skill / facilitate a small group discussion
278.68 KB

This application form should be used by the trainee wishing to apply for an exemption or recognition of prior learning towards the teach a skill or facilitate a small group discussion scholar role activities.

Scholar role activities - Option B completion
292.8 KB

This form should be used to certify completion of an option B scholar role activity.

TPS clinical placement review CAT form
448.69 KB

This form should be used by trainees who are completing approved training overseas.

TPS clinical placement review ICM form
351.36 KB

TPS clinical placement review ICM form

TPS - Case-based discussion (CbD) paper form
281.8 KB

TPS - Case-based discussion (CbD) paper form

TPS - Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) paper form
324.13 KB

TPS - Direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) paper form

TPS - Mini clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) paper form
284.48 KB

TPS - Mini clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) paper form

TPS - Multi-source feedback (MsF) paper form
355.41 KB

TPS - Multi-source feedback (MsF) paper form

TPS - Multi-source feedback (MsF) summary form
451.72 KB

TPS - Multi-source feedback (MsF) summary form

TPS specialised study unit review form
286.49 KB

This form is to be completed for trainees who are training overseas.


Forms for supervisors

SSU supervisor nomination form
271.25 KB

Nomination form for specialised study unit

WBA assessor nomination form
222.9 KB

Workplace-based Assessor nomination form


Other training & exams resources

Looking for resources to help you prepare for your PEx or FEx? Prof docs? Reading lists? Here's everything else you need. 

Use the links below to find past primary and final anaesthesia exams (written and vivas).

Use your college ID to access an extensive range of courses and resources specially designed to support you throughout your training and beyond. 

Our professional documents, statements and guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety and quality of patient care for those undergoing anaesthesia for surgical and other procedures and for those receiving pain medicine treatment.

The ANZCA Library has created a dedicated resource guide that provides resource support for all parts of the training program and curriculum, as well as a comprehensive list of of PEx and FEx assessment and exam resources.

The ANZCA Library provides access to the Primary Exam (PEx) recommended reading list for trainees and educators to assist with exam preparation.

Social networking

A number of our trainee committees have set up closed Facebook groups. Find out what's available in your area.

The NSW trainee committee has set up the NSW Anaesthetic Registrars' Facebook group as a way of improving interaction between the registrars across the state, and as part of our efforts to improve trainee welfare. We will also use this group to promote trainee social events. Please note that this is a closed group, so you need to be added or approved following a request to be added.

The Qld trainee committee has set up the Qld Anaesthetic Registrars' Facebook group as a way of improving interaction between the registrars across the state, and as part of our efforts to improve trainee welfare. We will also use this group to promote trainee social events. Please note that this is a closed group, so you need to be added or approved following a request to be added.

The SA/NT trainee committee have set up the South Australia Anaesthesia Trainees Facebook group as a way of improving interaction between the registrars across the state and as part of our efforts to improve trainee welfare. We will also use this group to promote trainee social events. Please note that this is a closed group, so you need to "join group" to be added. For further information, please email us.

The Victorian trainee committee has set up the Victorian Anaesthestic Registrars' Facebook group as a way of improving interaction between the registrars across the state, and as part of our efforts to improve trainee welfare. We will also use this group to promote trainee social events. Please note that this is a closed group, so you need to be added or approved following a request to be added.

Follow the WA Trainee Committee on Instagram for updates, courses, and all things relevant to WA ANZCA trainees (please note that this is not an ANZCA-managed account and any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of ANZCA).

Green and white swirl graphic

Available 24/7, the ANZCA Doctors' Support Program is a professional counselling service that offers confidential support for a variety of work-related and personal problems that may be affecting you at work or at home. It's free for all ANZCA fellows, trainees, SIMGs and immediate family members.

Doctors' Helpline