Professional documents

Our professional documents (prof docs), statements and guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety and quality of patient care for those undergoing anaesthesia for surgical and other procedures and for those receiving pain medicine treatment.

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All professional documents

CP01 Definitions and abbreviations
241.3 KB

Listing of standard abbreviations and definitions for professional documents 2024

Prof doc
PS01(PM) Opioid analgesics in chronic non-cancer pain
319.55 KB

Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS01(PM) (Appendix) Opioid dose equivalence calculation table
290.07 KB

Opioid Dose Equivalence Calculation Table

Prof doc
PS02(A) Anaesthesia credentialling and scope of practice
130.37 KB

Position statement on credentialling and defining the scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia 2020

Prof doc
PS02(A)BP Anaesthesia credentialling and scope of practice Background paper
120.04 KB

Position statement on credentialling and defining the scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PG03(A) Major regional analgesia
138.24 KB

Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia 2014

Prof doc
PG03(A)BP Major regional analgesia Background paper
162.89 KB

Guideline for the management of major regional analgesia (background paper) 2014

Prof doc
149.9 KB

Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit 2020

Prof doc
PS04(A)BP PACU Background paper
152.33 KB

Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PG06(A) The anaesthesia record
148.2 KB

Guideline on the anaesthesia record 2020

Prof doc
PG06(A)BP The anaesthesia record Background paper
131.35 KB

Guideline on the anaesthesia record (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PG07 Pre-anaesthesia consultation
248.83 KB

Guideline on pre-anaesthesia consultation and patient preparation 2024

Prof doc
PG07BP Pre-anaesthesia consultation Background paper
342.4 KB

Guideline on pre-anaesthesia consultation and patient preparation (background paper) 2024

Prof doc background paper
PS08(A) Assistant for anaesthetist
136 KB

Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist 2016

Prof doc
PS08(A)BP Assistant for anaesthetist Background paper
127.59 KB

Position statement on the assistant for the anaesthetist (background paper) 2016

Prof doc background paper
PG09(G) Sedation
944.66 KB

Guideline on procedural sedation 2023

Prof doc
PG09(G)BP Sedation Background paper
898.73 KB

Guideline on procedural sedation (background paper) 2023

Prof doc background paper
PS10(PM) "Medicinal Cannabis" and chronic non-cancer pain
493.96 KB

Statement on "Medicinal Cannabis" with particular reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS10(PM)BP "Medicinal Cannabis" and chronic non-cancer pain Background paper
984.38 KB

Statement on "Medicinal Cannabis" with particular reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain (background paper)

Prof doc background paper
PS11(PM) Procedures in pain medicine clinical care standard
545.23 KB

Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard

Prof doc
PS12(PM) Ketamine and chronic non-cancer pain
315.93 KB

Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS12(PM) BP Ketamine in chronic non-cancer pain Background paper
403.9 KB

Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain (background paper)

Prof doc background paper
PG13(PM) Return to practice – pain medicine
305.12 KB

Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for specialist pain medicine physicians 2023

Prof doc
PG13(PM)BP Return to practice – pain medicine Background paper
249.22 KB

Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for specialist pain medicine physicians (background paper) 2023

Prof doc background paper
PS14(PM) Responsibility for co-prescription of oral and intrathecal opioids
281.13 KB

Statement on the responsibility for co-prescription of oral and intrathecal opioids 2023

Prof doc
PG15(POM) Day stay patients
149.08 KB

Guideline for the perioperative care of patients selected for day stay procedures 2018

Prof doc
PG15(POM)BP Day stay patients Background paper
152.5 KB

Guideline for the perioperative care of patients selected for day stay procedures (background paper) 2018

Prof doc background paper
PS15(PM) Statement on pelvic pain and endometriosis 2025
266.99 KB

Statement on the clinical approach to persistent pelvic pain including endometriosis-associated pain 2025

Prof doc
PS15(PM)BP Statement on pelvic pain and endometriosis Background paper 2025
385.03 KB

Statement on the clinical approach to persistent pelvic pain including endometriosis-associated pain (background paper) 2025

Prof doc background paper
PG18(A) Anaesthesia monitoring
156.98 KB

Guideline on monitoring during anaesthesia 2017

Prof doc
PG18(A)BP Anaesthesia monitoring Background paper
132.35 KB

Guideline on monitoring during anaesthesia (background paper) 2017

Prof doc background paper
PS19(A) Monitored care
112.39 KB

Position statement on monitored care by an anaesthetist 2006

Prof doc
PS26(A) Informed consent
173.17 KB

Position statement on informed consent for anaesthesia or sedation 2021

Prof doc
PS26(A)BP Informed consent Background paper
162.71 KB

Position statement on informed consent for anaesthesia or sedation (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PG27(A) Extracorporeal perfusion
154.12 KB

Guideline for major extracorporeal perfusion 2015

Prof doc
PG27(A)BP Extracorporeal perfusion Background paper
131.41 KB

Guideline for major extracorporeal perfusion (background paper) 2015

Prof doc background paper
PG28(A) Infection control
161.94 KB

Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia 2015

Prof doc
PG28(A)BP Infection control Background paper
129.25 KB

Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia (background paper) 2015

Prof doc background paper
PG29(A) Anaesthesia in children
125.29 KB

Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children 2020

Prof doc
PG29(A)BP Anaesthesia in children Background paper
314.43 KB

Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PG31(A) Checking anaesthesia delivery systems
136.45 KB

Guideline on checking anaesthesia delivery systems 2014

Prof doc
PG31(A)BP Checking anaesthesia delivery systems Background paper
117.95 KB

Guideline on checking anaesthesia delivery systems (background paper) 2014

Prof doc background paper
PS40(G) Healthcare industry relationships
127.11 KB

Position statement on the relationship between fellows, trainees and the healthcare industry 2012

Prof doc
PS40(G)BP Healthcare industry relationships Background paper
128.07 KB

Position statement on the relationship between fellows, trainees and the healthcare industry (background paper) 2012

Prof doc background paper
PS41(G) Acute pain
328.17 KB

Position statement on acute pain management 2023

Prof doc
PS41(G)BP Acute pain Background paper
153.43 KB

Position statement on acute pain management (background paper) 2023

Prof doc background paper
PS42(A) Anaesthesia department staffing
134.12 KB

Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia 2017

Prof doc
PS42(A)BP Anaesthesia department staffing Background paper
129.3 KB

Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia (background paper) 2017

Prof doc background paper
PG43(A) Fatigue
171.23 KB

Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice 2020

Prof doc
PG43(A)BP Fatigue Background paper
403.11 KB

Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PS45(G) Pain - rights and responsibilities
121.22 KB

Position statement on patients' rights to pain management and associated responsibilities 2010

Prof doc
PG46(POM) Cardiac ultrasound
140.1 KB

Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults 2014

Prof doc
PG46(POM)BP Cardiac ultrasound Background paper
145.39 KB

Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults Background Paper 2014

Prof doc background paper
PG47 Perioperative diagnostic POCUS
308.78 KB

Guideline on training and practice of perioperative diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound 2024 (PILOT)

Prof doc
PG47BP Perioperative diagnostic POCUS Background Paper
212.03 KB

Guideline on training and practice of perioperative diagnostic point-of-care ultrasound BP 2024 (PILOT)

Prof doc background paper
PG49(G) Practitioner health
178.34 KB

Guideline on the health of specialists, specialist international medical graduates and trainees 2022

Prof doc
PG49(G)BP Practitioner health Background paper
175.41 KB

Guideline on the health of specialists, specialist international medical graduates and trainees (background paper) 2022

Prof doc background paper
PG50(A) Return to practice - anaesthesia
337.69 KB

Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists 2017

Prof doc
PG50(A)BP Return to practice - anaesthesia Background paper
146.57 KB

Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists (background paper) 2017

Prof doc background paper
PG51(A) Medication safety
162.08 KB

Guideline for the safe management and use of medications in anaesthesia 2021

Prof doc
PG51(A)BP Medication safety Background paper
143.01 KB

Guideline for the safe management and use of medications in anaesthesia (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PG52 Critically ill patient transport (PILOT)
228.22 KB

Guideline for transport of critically ill patients 2024

Prof doc
PG52BP Critically ill patient transport Background paper (PILOT)
166.58 KB

Guideline for transport of critically ill patients (background paper) 2024

Prof doc background paper
PS53(A) Handover
122.67 KB

Position statement on the handover responsibilities of the anaesthetist 2013

Prof doc
PS53(A)BP Handover Background paper
122.68 KB

Position statement on the handover responsibilities of the anaesthetist (background paper) 2013

Prof doc background paper
PS54(A) Anaesthesia machine safety
133.3 KB

Position statement on the minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines and workstations for clinical practice 2021

Prof doc
PS54(A)BP Anaesthesia machine safety Background paper
118.97 KB

Position statement on the minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines and workstations for clinical practice (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PS55 Minimum safe facilities
202.87 KB

Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia in operating suites and other anaesthetising locations 2021

Prof doc
PS55BP Minimum safe facilities BP
142.48 KB

Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia in operating suites and other anaesthetising locations (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PG56(A) Difficult airway equipment
241.88 KB

Guideline on equipment to manage difficult airways 2021

Prof doc
PG56(A)BP Difficult airway equipment Background paper
735.4 KB

Guideline on equipment to manage difficult airways (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PS57(A) Anaesthetist duties
119.98 KB

Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists 2014

Prof doc
PS57(A)BP Anaesthetist duties Background paper
113.29 KB

Position statement on duties of specialist anaesthetists (background paper) 2014

Prof doc background paper
PG58(A) QA & QI
154.02 KB

Guideline on quality assurance and quality improvement in anaesthesia 2018

Prof doc
PG58(A)BP QA & QI Background paper
125.29 KB

Guideline on quality assurance and quality improvement in anaesthesia (background paper) 2018

Prof doc background paper
PS59(A) Anaesthetist roles
138.75 KB

Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care 2015

Prof doc
PS59(A)BP Anaesthetist roles Background paper
214.87 KB

Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care (background paper) 2015

Prof doc background paper
PG60(POM) Chlorhexidine hypersensitivity
130.26 KB

Guideline on the perioperative management of patients with suspected or proven hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine 2016

Prof doc
PG60(POM)BP Chlorhexidine hypersensitivity Background paper
159.79 KB

Guideline on the perioperative management of patients with suspected or proven hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine (background paper) 2016

Prof doc background paper
1.28 MB

Guideline for the management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to the Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate airway emergency 2017

Prof doc
PG61(A)BP CICO Background paper
144.75 KB

Guideline for the management of evolving airway obstruction - transition to the Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate airway emergency (background paper) 2017

Prof doc background paper
PS62 Cultural competence and cultural safety
240.63 KB

Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024

Prof doc
PS62BP Cultural competence and cultural safety Background paper
199.76 KB

Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety background paper 2024

Prof doc background paper
PG63(A) Care of sedated ABD patients
223.2 KB

Guideline for safe care for patients sedated in health care facilities for acute behavioural disturbance 2019

Prof doc
PG63(A)BP Care of sedated ABD patients Background paper
162.67 KB

Guideline for safe care for patients sedated in health care facilities for acute behavioural disturbance (background paper) 2019

Prof doc background paper
PS64 Environmental sustainability
145.55 KB

PS64(G) Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and pain medicine practice 2019

Prof doc
PS64(G)BP Environmental sustainability Background paper
212.41 KB

Position statement on environmental sustainability in anaesthesia and pain medicine practice (background paper) 2019

Prof doc background paper
PG65(G) Assessing peer performance
237.86 KB

Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer 2020

Prof doc
PG65(G)BP Assessing peer performance Background paper
129.7 KB

Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer (background paper) 2020

Prof doc background paper
PG66(A) Gas pipeline commissioning
358.31 KB

Guideline on the role of the anaesthetist in commissioning medical gas pipelines 2021

Prof doc
PG66(A)BP Gas pipeline commissioning Background paper
153.86 KB

Guideline on the role of the anaesthetist in commissioning medical gas pipelines (background paper) 2021

Prof doc background paper
PG67(G) End-of-life care
138.19 KB

Guideline for the care of patients at the end-of-life who are considered for surgery or interventional procedures 2022

Prof doc
PG67(G)BP End-of-life care Background paper
224.04 KB

Guideline for the care of patients at the end-of-life who are considered for surgery or interventional procedures (background paper) 2022

Prof doc background paper
PG68(A) SARS-CoV-2 elective surgery guideline
399.02 KB

Guideline on surgical patient safety for SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination

Prof doc

Key to understanding prof docs

These documents contain information relevant to the clinical, administrative and professional practice of perioperative care including anaesthesia, and pain medicine.

Policies (denoted CP) are documents that formally state a principle, plan and/or course of action that is prescriptive and mandatory.

Position statements (denoted PS) are documents that describe where the college stands on a particular issue. This may include areas that lack clarity or where opinions vary. A position statement is not definitive, prescriptive or binding.

Guidelines (denoted PG) are documents that offer advice on a particular subject, that:

  • Are ideally based on best practice recommendations and information.
  • May be based on available evidence and/or expert consensus.
  • Are not prescriptive.

The framework for writing or revising professional documents is described in CP23 Policy for professional document framework and accompanying Background Paper. The professional document process is governed by CP24 Policy for development and review of professional documents and accompanying Background Paper. The external guideline endorsement process is governed by CP25 Policy on endorsement of externally developed guidelines and accompanying Background Paper. The FPM professional document process is governed by PP01(PM): Policy for the development and review of professional documents

Professional documents in PILOT are operational and may be altered before the final version is promulgated. Printed copies are noted to be accurate at the time of printing only. Feedback on professional documents during the PILOT phase is welcome and encouraged. If you have any queries or require a zip file of all professional documents, please email us