Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM)

Chronic or persistent pain will affect one in five people in Australia and New Zealand at some stage in their lives. The Faculty of Pain Medicine is the professional body dedicated to the training and education of specialist pain physicians. It also plays a key role in fostering a unified understanding of pain across the healthcare sector and within the wider community.


It's our vision to reduce the burden of pain on society through education, advocacy, training, and research.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is the professional organisation for specialist pain medicine physicians (fellows) and specialist pain medicine physicians in training (trainees). We're governed by the FPM Board and and supported by a number of committees. We're responsible for the training, examination and specialist accreditation of specialist pain medicine physicians and for the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand. Formed in 1998, we were the first multidisciplinary medical academy in the world to be devoted to education and training in pain medicine.

Illustration of scuba diver reaching for a large pearl

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