College membership is a condition of fellowship and the use of the post-nominals FANZCA or FFPMANZCA. It gives you access to an extensive range of resources and activities designed to support you at every stage in your career and help you meet your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.
All fellows enjoy a wide range of member benefits, which we'd encourage you to explore. The following pages feature activities, advice, and opportunities that we think will be of particular interest at this point in your professional journey, including a few we've developed especially with our new fellows in mind.
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We invite all new fellows to celebrate their success with friends and family at the prestigious annual College Ceremony, when the ANZCA President and FPM Dean welcome you into fellowship of your college. Here's what you need to know.
Are you interested in strengthening your leadership skills? Do you see yourself as a future leader? Would you like to meet like-minded peers and work together on shaping the future direction of your specialty?
Find out how we can help you connect and collaborate with colleagues; build your professional networks; learn leadership skills; and develop your career as a specialist.
Unlimited 24/7 access to our world-leading online continuing professional development (CPD) program is included in your membership. It has been specially designed to make sure you meet your mandatory requirements for clinical practice and fellowship.
Now's the perfect time to start exploring some sub-specialties. Through our involvement in Anaesthesia Continuing Education (ACE), ANZCA and FPM fellows have access to 17 special interest groups (SIGs) that allow practitioners to study, report and develop educational events in specific areas of...