Do you know that we have 189 accredited training sites across Australia and New Zealand?
Where can I train?

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in the ACT

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in NSW

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in New Zealand

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in Queensland

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in South Australia and Northern Territory

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in Tasmania

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in Victoria

View ANZCA-accredited training sites in Western Australia
Applying for ANZCA training site accreditation
All ANZCA-accredited training sites must be part of an approved rotational scheme. This is a regionally based, rotational arrangement and involves a group of training sites providing a comprehensive and integrated training experience for trainees.
The Training Accreditation Committee (TAC) oversees the accreditation process of training sites in Australia and New Zealand. Accreditation is usually granted for up to five years and training sites are regularly inspected to ensure they meet the required standards found in the ANZCA handbook for accreditation.
Accreditation is given for the maximum duration a trainee may spend in the anaesthesia department at that training site during introductory training, basic training and advanced training. This is determined by:
- Exposure for trainees to a broad range of settings where specialist anaesthetists work.
- Capacity for training in the specialised study units, volume of practice (cases and procedures), ANZCA Roles in Practice, and ANZCA Clinical Fundamentals.
New training sites
- Contact your ANZCA regional/national committee to be part of a rotational training scheme.
- If agreed, the regional/national committee will write a letter of support for your training site to gain accreditation.
- You must complete this form and submit it via email along with the letter of support.
- TAC will review your application and arrange an inspection.
- Following inspection, TAC will decide on the application outcome. You will be notified of the outcome.
Satellite sites, additional campuses, and extended duration
To apply for satellite accreditation, additional campus accreditation or an increase in accreditation duration, please complete this form and submit it via email.
Becoming a training site accreditation visitor
If you are interested in becoming a training site accreditation visitor, please complete this application form and submit it via email.
How to make a complaint
If you've experienced or observed any inappropriate behaviour by individuals or organisations associated with ANZCA and FPM, including staff members, fellows, trainees, SIMGs, and accredited training sites, please bring it to our attention by completing this confidential online form. All notifications received are treated as confidential unless we request your permission to the contrary.