Awarded pilot grants and how to apply

The ANZCA pilot grant scheme is made possible by the ANZCA Foundation through the generosity of donors and fellows. This scheme along with the ANZCA project grants scheme have been instrumental in providing seed funding for exploratory studies that have led to investigators securing competitive grants to run large multicentre clinical trials to answer important clinical questions.

Applicants wishing to apply for a pilot grant are strongly encouraged to present their research proposal at the annual strategic research workshop in August. Here investigators will receive feedback from statisticians, fellows, trainees and research coordinators as well as be provided with a spokesperson report summarising critical feedback from the delegates. The deadline of the pilot grant scheme is set to ensure there is adequate time for investigators to consider the feedback received at the workshop. 

The deadline for the 2025 pilot grant round is 5pm (AEDT) Monday 10 December 2024. 

How to apply for a CTN Pilot Grant

The ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) administers the pilot grant scheme which awards up to $A30,000 each year to fellows to undertake pilot or feasibility studies.

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Last updated 15:21 4.09.2024