Ketamine and chronic post-surgical pain in major surgery non cardiac surgery.

Intravenous iron for treatment of anaemia before cardiac surgery.

Volatile anaesthesia and perioperative outcomes related to cancer.

Cryopreserved versus liquid platelets for surgical bleeding in cardiac surgery.
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Our network of fellows, trainees, and research co-ordinators advance patient care and safety through multi-centre research.
Find out what clinical trials we're working on and how your site can get involved, and explore the major findings of our published trials.
The pilot grant scheme provides seed funding for exploratory studies, helping assess feasibility, refine methods, and secure grants for large trials.
Research co-ordinators are vital to research departments, providing expertise for key roles in research and clinical trials.
ANZCA clinical trials are conducted at over 120 hospitals, bringing together world-leading experts in anaesthesia research to advance clinical care.
Our leadership teams provide the strategic direction and support for the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network.
ANZCA CTN endorsement is a powerful badge of quality, enhancing competitiveness in grants, ethics, and appeal to our stakeholders
We foster collaboration and education through our annual CTN workshop, webinars, and ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting sessions
The mentorship program fosters high-quality clinical research, leadership development, and succession planning within the CTN.
The foundation dedicates around $A1.5 million to medical research each year; supports our Indigenous health and overseas aid activities; and raises the profile of college-supported research.