Dr Dilip Kapur, FFPMANZCA

FPM Dean (South Australia)

ANZCA councillor and FPM dean Dilip Kapur

Dr Kapur joined the FPM Board from May 2022 and was elected to the role of FPM vice-dean. In May 2024, he became FPM Dean. Dr Kapur is trained as an anaesthetist and pain medicine physician and practices in Port Lincoln.

Dr Kapur also holds the roles of:

Dr Kapur was previously an elected member of the board in 2013 and served from 2013-2015. During this time he held the following roles:

  • FPM Assessor
  • FPM Deputy Assessor, SIMG
  • Former member of the FPM Training Assessment Executive Committee

Dr Kapur has broad experience of pain medicine through a long career in the discipline. His previous work with FPM and ANZCA has furthered his insight into the challenges that face both the college and the faculty.