Dr Sarah Nicolson, FANZCA

ANZCA Councillor (New Zealand)

FANZCA 2003 ECFMG Diploma (US) 1999 DipPaed (Auckland) 1995 MBChB (Otago) 1993

ANZCA councillor Sarah Nicolson

Sarah has been actively involved with ANZCA for many years, and has extensive experience in training, regulation, and advocacy. Working in accreditation for the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Australian Medical Council has built Sarah's knowledge of the standards they require and highlights why governance by the profession is so important in achieving high quality care for our patients. 

Responsibility in roles in both countries, and with a view across specialty colleges and medical training, gives Sarah broad oversight into issues that affect many of us in our professional lives.

Being involved with trainees helps Sarah consider what our profession should look like in the future and motivates her to both look after and challenge those that come after us. ANZCA trains world class doctors. Sarah would like the college to continue to serve the anaesthesia community, by attracting great doctors into vocational training, building a robust workforce, and making continuing professional development straightforward and relevant.
Sarah hopes to use her experience and skills to ensure Council enhances our profession and works for all fellows, as we go about our job of looking after those in our care.