I believe that perioperative medicine is the way for anaesthesia to continue to lead the way in improving patient outcomes, by extending the lessons learnt from inside the operating room, to all aspects of the patient’s surgical journey.
I’ve had over twenty-five years’ experience working in in a variety of roles in the Queensland healthcare sector, beginning in rural general practice, before qualifying initially as a specialist anaesthetist (FANZCA) and subsequently, an intensive care physician (FCICM).
I have previously served on ANZCA Council, convened the binational ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting, and chaired the Queensland Regional Committee. I’m a member of the ANZ Hip Fracture Registry Steering Committee.
I’ve also graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and haves a Diploma of Health Management from QUT.
Find out more about perioperative medicine
The Chapter of Perioperative Medicine has key strategic objectives to promote research, enhance professional development and oversee the quality of the perioperative medicine certification, whilst also fostering cross-specialty collaboration.
The Chapter of Perioperative Medicine Board reports to the ANZCA Council on developing and implementing an integrated perioperative care model and educational offerings for Australia and New Zealand, focusing on professional practice, clinical quality, and patient safety.
The ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine enables specialist doctors enhance their skills and knowledge in perioperative medicine.
The Perioperative Care Framework was developed by the Perioperative Care Working Group approved by ANZCA Council in December 2021, and updated in December 2023.
Perioperative medicine emphasises the importance of an integrated, planned, and personalised approach to patient care before, during, and after any surgical procedure involving anaesthesia. The goal is to improve the patient experience and outcomes, lower the occurrence of postoperative issues, decrease the number of days spent in the hospital, and minimize readmissions after surgery. We call this approach a "perioperative care model".