We submit yearly reports against the AMC and MCNZ accreditation standards and are assessed for reaccreditation every 10 years.
2022 reaccreditation
ANZCA and FPM underwent full reaccreditation in 2022. This involved development of a written submission addressing the 10 AMC and MCNZ accreditation standards and stakeholder consultation by the reaccreditation assessment panel, led by the AMC with MCNZ representatives.
As a result of this process, the college has been reaccredited for the maximum period of six years. In 2029, we can request a four-year extension to take the reaccreditation period up to 10 years.
The AMC Specialist Education Accreditation Committee delivered an accreditation report assessing the college against the standards. The college “substantially met” all standards and received commendations, recommendations, and conditions against each standard. Teams across the college are progressing work to meet the conditions.