Understanding training requirements
The below resources detail the requirements of the anaesthesia training program.
There will be times when your trainees may need more support to cope with the demands of training. Consider starting them on a trainee support process (TSP) (formally known as Trainees experiencing difficulties process (TDP)). The TSP is a supportive process for those trainees who need extra help.
Download the trainee support process guidelines and template
A series of checklists has been developed to help Supervisors of Training (SOTs) identify and assist a trainee who is struggling. Use your college ID to access these checklists in networks.
Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance - A guide for clinicians document has been developed to assist Fellows and trainees by providing them with a framework for understanding professionalism and performance as it applies to the practice of anaesthesia.
You can find more information regarding the trainee support process, see section 3.4 of the handbook for training or contact the college at [email protected]
Learn to teach with the ANZCA Educators Program, a modular practical teaching course. The course is delivered throughout the year in major centres around Australia and New Zealand.
Our online learning platform, Learn@ANZCA, has a range of resources that will help you with:
Communication, management and professionalism.
Fundamentals of feedback
Fundamentals of mentoring
The ANZCA doctors support program is available to all fellows, trainees and specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs). ANZCA has engaged the professional services of Converge International, a specialist in psychology, mental health and wellbeing who will provide a confidential and independent counselling and coaching service. This service is available 24/7.
The director of professional affairs (assessor) is available via [email protected] to provide advice on challenging training issues or clarification on training program requirements.
Other welfare support services by jurisdiction are available here.