Training requirements and the TPS FAQs

Frequently asked questions about completing anaesthesia training requirements and recording them in the Trainee Portfolio System.

Questions about the training portfolio system (TPS)

If you have completed all the training requirements of your core unit you will need to complete a core unit review (CUR) with your supervisor of training (SOT). Once your SOT has submitted the CUR in the training portfolio system (TPS), you will need to respond. The TPS will then automatically update you to the next core unit.

Any time spent not in training should be recorded as leave. This includes annual leave, bereavement leave, sick leave, parental leave, study leave, examination leave and industrial action.

You should still record this time as “leave” in the training portfolio system and have this confirmed by your supervisor of training. Any excess leave will not accrue towards the approved vocational training time. If you take more than 12 continuous weeks of leave, you will need to apply for interrupted training.

Public holidays are not counted as leave. When a public holiday falls on a day when you would normally be working, it counts as a clinical day, whether or not you were actually required to work that day.

Time spent completing mandatory courses (for example, the Advanced Life Support course) should be recorded as clinical anaesthesia time in the traiing portfolio system. Time taken to attend non-mandatory courses, such as exam preparation courses should be recorded as leave.

Supervisors of training or departmental scholar role tutors can access and approve all scholar role activities ion the training portfolio system, except the audit activity which will need to be assessed and approved by the departmental scholar role tutor.

FANZCA nominees can help to do assessments and evaluations of scholar role activities for trainees and automatically get continuing professional development points for evaluating scholar role activities.

After you have completed all volume of practice and workplace-based assessments for a specialised study unit (SSU), you must complete an SSU review with your SSU supervisor.

Once the SSU review has been confirmed by your supervisor of training, the SSU will show as completed on your dashboard.

Training requirements

Trainees must complete an Advanced Life Support (ALS) course, or equivalent course, in every core unit, including provisional fellowship training.

Exemptions and equivalent courses are listed below:


To be exempt from


You will need to complete


Advanced life support (ALS)

  • Instructor at advanced life support (ALS)      
  • Advanced life support instructor course          
  • Advanced life support instructor re-accreditation course            

ALS and "can't intubate, can't oxygenate" CICO (if relevant for the core unit the Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises  (EMAC) course is completed in)

  • EMAC

Paediatric life support

  • Advanced paediatric life support (APLS)
  • Instructor at APLS.          
  • Advanced paediatric life support (APLS) instructor course          

Trauma team member for the inital assessment and resuscitation of a multi-trauma case. Note: EMST course required if volume of practice is not met.

  • Early Managment of Severe Trauma (EMST) course
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
  • Primary Trauma Care
  • Emergency Trauma Management Course (ETM)
  • Definitive Surgical Trauma Course (DSTC)
  • Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma Care Course (DATC)

After your advanced training core unit review has been submitted, you will enter provisional fellowship training pending. You will still be able to enter time, courses, scholar role meetings, cases and procedures and WBAs, however they will not accrue towards your provisional fellowship training requirements.

Paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) training accredited at a College of Intensive Care Medicine training site may count towards your ANZCA training as other clinical time. Prospective approval from the director of professional affairs assessor is required. However it does not meet the requirements of the intensive care specialised unit.

If you want to change your scholar role requirements from option B to option A, you need to complete all pending scholar role activities including the local audit assessed by departmental scholar role tutor.

Training sites

The duration of extended training mirrors the duration of accredited anaesthesia training, up to a maximum of 104 weeks. The allowable duration for extended training for training sites is:

Approved duration
Allowable duration for extended training

26 weeks


26 weeks


52 weeks


52 weeks


104 weeks


104 weeks


156 weeks

 104 weeks

This must be completed in a unit accredited by the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) for:

  • General training.   
  • Limited general training.

Please visit the CICM website for more information on their accredited sites.